May 26, 2010


Rainbow Death

America did not foresee
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.

Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!

Point of View: This poem was written in the point of view of a soldier.He offers a view of somewhat a mixture of soldier and an innocent citizen.The poet feels sorry for those who were innocent yet were dragged in,we can see that from ,"Now thinking twice?Toll on the innocent and unborn."This shows what even the unborn was affected due to perhaps some poisonous gas, and the rest of the innocent people were affected too. The poet, feels sorry for these people, showing that he is a person with a strong sense of justice, and has not lost that sense despite being involved in war.I feel that he is one of those typical soldiers who joined to protect the innocent, as he felt that what what America was doing was wrong.

Situation and setting:
Injustice EV:"toll on the innocent and unborn".
ELAB: It involved even the unborn, who had not even enjoyed their life for a single second, yet they have to pay the price for something they did not commit, along with the other innocent people. They had paid with their lives, thus creating a sense of injustice, as they were the "Innocent" people, which means that they had not done anything, yet they were killed.

Anger EV; "Generations untold WILL pay".
elab:By emphasizing on the word "WILL", the poet must have felt some extreme emotions thus causing him to emphasize on that word, and based on the previous parts of the poem, this was written during a war, and alot of lives were taken. The poet felt angry that the newer generations had to pay for what their generation has done, thus causing an angry setting in this poem.


Imagery:"Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead." -The poet is trying to create an image in our heads using this sentence, to depict a picture that alot of people had suffered during the war, even the babies, they died even before being brought to this world.

Personal response: I feel that war is unnecessary and is like a black hole. Sometimes, war can be avoided( they can happen just because of a small conflict!), and it resembles a black hole which sucks up everything, in this case, it drags EVERYONE into it; even though the innocent people were not involved, they were killed too.I have learned that we should not start any conflict and live in peace with everyone, so as not to involve anyone who should not have been in the first place.

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